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Old 12-08-2013, 02:21 PM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is online now
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Camrose
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This was and is no different then them old grannies having a yard sale and selling a rack that her husband shot years ago.
Really? How many old grannies know that it is illegal to sell those racks?

How many old grannies arrange to meet with a buyer, and tell them "there are only two officers in the Spirit River area - the area's so big, good luck catching anybody"

How many grannies say "They have to see you do it. If I get charged, prove it man. See me in court?"

How many old grannies sell two racks for $10,000?

He Then had a APOS hearing and went over the facts and given a fine and put on a few year probationary period and was told to keep his noes clean,
And we are all aware of just how APOS disciplines their members. The fact that Lloyd McMahon is still a member after so many convictions, proves that they could care less how their members behave.
Only accurate guns are interesting.