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Old 12-17-2013, 08:46 AM
deanstroyer deanstroyer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 63

i may be missing something, but it seems people are upset that others want to fish the same lake as you? like cmon the boat launch @ sylvan is not some super secret spot, im sure there is a better honey hole on that lake somewhere but your not fishing it. why ? because no one wants to go further than they have to. I could give someone all the gear they needed to fish and set them up in a very productive spot and watch them get skunked. you cant learn how to fish over the internet. most of the people looking for places to go most likely have kids and want to get them interested in the sport, and if the kids dont catch fish there is not much chance they will want to go again. its like people who have fished a lake for more years than others feel like they have more rights to that.
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