Thread: Newell update
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Old 12-29-2013, 05:44 PM
kevinhits kevinhits is offline
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Originally Posted by J D View Post
Lots of lakes and rivers in western BC hold high numbers of crayfish. Trout are the biggest predator in most of these water. Trout feed on the crayfish but not near as much as pike and walleye will. Every species of fish in Newell will feed on crayfish at some point in time in their life cycle and they will not get too big for pike and walleye to eat.

Crayfish are a general scavenger that is low on the food chain they eats a varied diet ranging from vegetation to flesh. Yes, they will eat eggs but this would effect more than just pike.

If trout can hold their own with high numbers of crayfish pike should have no problem

In my opinion higher crayfish numbers are more likely do to less pike preying on them.

I could be wrong but to me I can't see crayfish causing pike numbers to crash. If it was crayfish I would expect an overall crash with all species in Newell and from the report that was posted before walleye are numbers are improving
Walleye numbers are probably improving cause there is zero retention..And only taken by tags....but pike...up to last year, was 3 over 63cm...Pike are the dominant species there, so of course, alot of people are taking there limit...And I know for sure, alot of them are not c&r....Sorry to say..But if they are legal size, they are taking them

Of course, this is my opinion only:0)
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