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Old 01-02-2014, 01:34 PM
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Looper Looper is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 391
Default Lake water has gone bad.

I am from Southern Alberta. Grew up fishing the irrigation resevoirs mostly. There are a couple of small lakes, namely Lost Lake and Grantham that used to be great places to take kids. That's where my grandpa and dad took me. You would never catch a big trophy pike like Badger, Travers or Newell but you would always catch several small ones and the water was CRYSTAL clear.

Now these 2 lakes in particular are cloudy green, and the water STINKS something terrible.

Anyone have an idea or some knowledge as to why this has happened? It's pretty sad and I sure hope it's not permanent. I still see people fishing both places so the fish must still be there. Any other places where this is happeneing?

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