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Old 01-03-2014, 08:18 AM
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Kanati Kanati is offline
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 141

Hey everyone,

Don't want to get burned alive for making this comment, because as a new guy, just starting down his hunting path, I want to make friends, not enemies.

With that said, can I place my 2 cents.

one thing I learned from taking the AHIEA course, is that hunters are and considered environmentalists, and conservationists. I understand that this is one of the biggest arguments that other groups hold against hunters, that they can't be both hunters and animal, environment and conservation lovers and enthusiasts; How can you kill the animals if you care for them etc.

So, where am I going with this. Well, from my understanding, and small amount of education so far, hunters do have a natural respect for the environment and the animals they harvest; a clear example would be the first nations, one of the most nature based religions in the world, yet they still hunted as part of the natural balance. However, is it not the role of the hunter, to not only respect the animals they harvest but also to harvest them with the utmost dignity towards the animal? If so, isn't spear hunting, and atlatls hunting not showing the dignity and respect of a clean, quick kill that the animals deserves? I would imagine a well place arrow, or bullet is a lot more accurate, and instant then throwing a spear; if anything it borderline sounds barbaric, and could possibly push those who don't understand hunting even further against us.

I suppose the whole point I am trying to make, is that isn't our job to respect the animal, and give them a quick, painless death? If so, surly its time the idea of throwing spears at large game has to come to an end.


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