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Old 01-03-2014, 08:32 PM
NBFK NBFK is offline
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Originally Posted by Pudelpointer View Post
First, don't take anything here as a personal attack against you... unless you happen to be this Brent fellow.

Second, I am not looking to "finish you off", in fact I appreciate you stepping forward to provide some 'light' in dark places.

My Mule Deer comment is in reference to the ABA proposing that an "Archery Mule Deer Special License" be 'exclusive'; ie. you could not apply for / build priority in both the archery and all weapons seasons at the same time.

I am curious as to the membership of the ABA: has the executive ever polled its members to find out how many are solely bowhunters vs. rifle and bow hunters? Is the ABA supposed to represent all its members, or only the ones who are "real bowhunters", you know, the kind that refuse to pick up a rifle come November?

I find your "bludgeon an animal to death with a pointy stick" completely fallacious. Maybe you don't know what a "spear" is? Or maybe you don't want to look at the obvious similarity between an arrow and a spear? You do realize how an animal dies when shot with a broadhead?
Yes I have seen an animal or two fall from a sharp broad head......I'm not posting on here debating it spear hunting is like bowhunting. I was posting because I was tired of reading a few mis informed posts.

I killed a bison, whitetail buck and antelope in the last 3 years with a thunderstick. I have 7 more animals In those three years with my stick and string. So yes I am a hunter and don't think ill of anyone who hunts without a bow. I really don't know how polling the membership over who hunts with a bow or bow and rifle proves anything. Yes there are full fledged bowmembers in the ABA. If the ABA had the attitude that you cannot be a hunter then I definitely wouldn't be volunteering my time with them.

I don't understand your mule deer comments? Bowhunters became to successful in zones that Srd alloyed 15% for an archery harvest. The general mule deer season was closed for the most part of Alberta and bowhunters were not allowed to have a harvest anymore? If you do not agree with the split season apply for rifle.

There's a general meeting every spring before the banquet where elections, decisions and opinions are voiced by members. So for 35 bucks you can come be a member and have input.

See you all there.
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