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Old 01-03-2014, 10:10 PM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 12,558

I'm wishing that I'd read the rest of a certain someones posts before I responded last time....but he just proved my point.

Obviously he was being a bit less than up front with us to begin with suggesting he knew less than he did and that he was less involved than he is.

Hmmmm.... sneaky.

Oh well.

I wonder whether they have considered that there are right and wrong ways to spear hunt....just as there are right and wrong ways to bow or rifle hunt?
I also wonder if that organization considered that some folks still hunt in the traditional way with spears...on the ground for bears and boar and that those that do... do it very well?

I wonder how our friend would feel if all the rifle hunters in Alberta got together and lobbied government to ban bow hunting because of the small percentage of idiots on that community?

It seems resonable as that would no doubt spare far more animals from suffering than a ban on spears would.

As I previously stated... such organizations eventually become bastions for elitists and knobs...blind to everything but their own interests.
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