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Old 01-04-2014, 06:15 PM
Deer Hunter Deer Hunter is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Originally Posted by 3blade View Post

My point was, Think of what could be accomplished if we turned all this energy onto something like outfitter allocations. We could actually see a benefit.
You and I can try as much as we like to change the ways that resident hunters are being treated in this province. But the reality is that unless you sit in on these AGMAG meetings, we are wasting our time.

AFGA had 5 years to prepare for the latest round of outfitter allocation reviews. Lowly AFGA members offered to share information gathered through the FOIP process...Information that the AFGA should have already had... They weren't very interested.
You would have thought that if anyone was up to speed on the allocation and draw numbers it should have been the AFGA. Far from it. Opportunity lost to make an impactful difference.

Unless the groups that are supposed to represent their membership (resident hunters) start returning calls, emails, using the help that is offered, and taking a hard line, we are all screwed. No matter how much energy we want to put in behind them.

Thinking that you are being represented, and not being, is worse than knowing you are not.
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