Thread: Flu Shots
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Old 01-10-2014, 12:37 PM
MadMarty911 MadMarty911 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: South Alberta
Posts: 1,027

In the province of Alberta, EMS staff if they have chosen NOT to get the vaccination done, are required by AGS to be continually masked.

Students in some sites ie Calgary are gettin kicked off their practicun if they are not immunized and provide proof, or are unwilling to.

I have no intention of sharing whether I receive the vaccine or not every year or not.

I have no intention of making an arguement either FOR or AGAINST.

I have gone to countless "sick flu patients". I've flown countless more. I've had some die, others live. I can tell you right now that immunized and non immunized people are in all categories. Take what you will from that.

This is Canada. I like to believe in the freedom of choice whether I like it or not.
Certainly some immunizations are clearly beneficial with minor or no repucussions. But that does not give either you or me the right to judge.

The filth I see being spewed from mind to keyboard to my beloved AO forum is disgusting. Too much self entitlement to be armchair generals on each topic.

It's your opinion, state it and move on. I don't shove mine down your throat. Share in the same courtesy. Join a debate forum if that's all your interested in.
Cynicism gives you a huge advantage in a world that deserves disbelief.
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