Thread: Flu Shots
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Old 01-11-2014, 03:22 PM
markg markg is offline
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Default How am I not making an informed decision?

Originally Posted by midgetwaiter View Post
This link between Narcolepsy and the vaccine used in Europe in 2009 has been researched and is understood much better now than was originally reported. Subsequent investigation showed a higher incidence of unvaccinated children developing Narcolepsy after H1N1 exposure in China and other parts of Europe. Additional research has shown that the cause is an immune response that mistakenly targets part of the brain because of similar protein structures to the virus.

GBS is also thought to be triggered by your immune system. If you are at risk to develop it it's far more likely it will be triggered by the infection rather than the vaccine.

You are not making an informed decision and you are being selfish. I don't say this lightly either. Narcolepsy is prevalent in my family and I deal with the mess it makes every day. It's also very possible I or my children may develop this at some point in our lives. The best protection for me and my family is to have the people around us not spreading the virus that could trigger this and the best way for that to happen is immunization. There is a minuscule chance you might develop a complication from a vaccine but your decision could have a huge impact on someone else.
I take issue with your statement. I respect your right to your opinions but to call me selfish and uninformed crosses the line. I spoke with my family doctor who told me that I don't need my shot. I spoke with my Chiropractor who told me I don't need the shot. I spoke with my wife who administers shots everyday same answer. Frankly I have put more time and research into this then most people out there. I guess if I don't watch the tv news programs and follow there instructions and fear mongering then I am uninformed?
So a person is to be considered selfish if they view there health choices in a different light then you. This I find very offensive. I am sure you do things in your life that others might find questionable with regards to your health. Do they have the right to call you selfish?
We as a society had better start to be careful. We want to shine the light of criticism on other peoples lives activities and choices and claim the moral high ground but remember the bright hot white light of critisism burns very brightly when shone on the dark corners of your own life.
My apologies to you if I take your comments the wrong way. If I am overreacting and hurting your feelings I am sorry. We are after all fellow outdoorsman and have that as a common bond.
Ps I am not telling anyone not to get the flu shot. I don't care one way or the other what anyone else does with there health. All I am saying is stop vilifying people who choose not to get a flu shot.

Last edited by markg; 01-11-2014 at 03:28 PM. Reason: More info
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