Thread: Flu Shots
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Old 01-11-2014, 03:41 PM
Scott h Scott h is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: At the lake
Posts: 2,531

"Now that the vaccine is done, the powers that be, have the balls to claim it isn't such a big deal after all and you don't need it."

Nobody is saying that H1N1 is no big deal. They have to ration the remaining vaccine to those that are highest priority.Any body that wanted it had over two months to get it. Nobody better complain now.

"One of my son's friend, healthy young physically fit 33 year old has been in an induced coma since Christmas due to the H1N1 flu. They're not sure what the prognosis is for him."

This is what those against the vaccine refuse to acknowledge. It's killing otherwise healthy people. The death toll would be much higher if it wasn't for rapid improvements in ventilation technology, ECHMO and temporary dialysis (PRISMA). Many that survive will have permanent organ damage.

"A lady friend of mine is still in the Mizz in Edmonton after two weeks of ICU treatment for the H1N1. They finally removed her breathing tube and she seems to be on the mend."

I'm glad she made it. After she's extubated she still has a long road ahead.
Everyone that thinks that it's "just the flu" should go see what being ventilated entails.
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