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Old 01-20-2014, 05:29 PM
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Pixel Shooter Pixel Shooter is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Smile Hot off the smoker

Watching Omega post his smoker threads got me off my butt!

Thought I would try pulled beef on the ol's smoker, did a dry rub and marinated for 24 hours. Tried out my new AMNPS, worth every penny. The hickory pellets smoked beautifully for 7 hours and still had about 3 hours worth left, no reloading ,fuss or muss and pellets cost about a buck for 10 hours. I also added a 90 degree elbow with vents open fully, made a big different, way better drafting. There wont be many wood chip smokes use in my future After 7 hours, wrapped it up in tinfoil and finished cooking for another 3.5 hours to my desired temp, then wrapped roast beef in tinfoil in a blanket filling up all the space in my cooler for another hour and a half and voila.

just put in the smoker

would have looked nicer if between the time I left to grab my iphone the kids didn't cut the strings and already started digging in, urghhhh

now ready to start eating, fell apart with the fingers,didnt need a knife or fork. most tender and juiciest roast beef I have had
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