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Old 12-18-2008, 11:00 AM
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nicemustang nicemustang is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Lake Lenore, Saskatchewan
Posts: 3,592

I had bought one of these a few years back, I'm sure they are the same. It had aluminum poles and the tent went around the poles. It made it a few trip but there was no way to ancor the tent to the ice if it was windy. One day, the wind came up and we nearly blew away. Then we went to spray and tried to set it up in the wind, and couldn't do it. It was cold and the aluminum snapped and it was then useless. If you are going to buy a tent in Alberta, need to consider the elements like wind and cold. These $100 ones won't last, you get what you pay for. If it's cold and windy, don't bother setting it up or you'll be disappointed. Get the ICECUBE from wholesale or fishing hole. It is oly $229 and will last for years if you take care of it. COmes with ancors and lasts on very windy days no problem.
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