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Old 03-06-2014, 05:59 PM
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Originally Posted by 257wbyhunter View Post
wont a suppressor affect your bullet speed and accuracy? or is that just a myth.
Myth, It actually increases your speed because you are increasing barrel length and also accuracy is not effect, just the same as with a brake.

I actually think that this may be one that we will see legalized in our lifetime for the sole reason that it is a health and noise pollution issue. If there is a strong enough push from the health community I believe suppressors are a definite possibility. I doubt we will get a whole a lot support from the environmentalist but I guess it depends how you swing the argument. We just need some long term studies on the effects of gun fire noise on hearing; I imagine it has already been done for military, maybe those studies can be paralleled to a avid hunter/shooter.
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