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Old 03-27-2014, 11:48 PM
wolfriver wolfriver is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 239

Originally Posted by skidderman View Post
It is their land. They pay the taxes, they own it. End of story. Does anyone tell you what they can or can't do on your property? To think that any of us can force permission on another person's property is just not right. If I was a farmer, (I'm not) and someone came on my land with that attitude they would not have a single chance of ever hunting on it. If we as a hunting community continue to disrespect farmers then we will truly lose that priviledge forever. Most farmers that don't give permission, don't for one reason. That is that some idiots thought it was a right to do whatever they wanted. If this is the kind of attitude we have in our hunting community I pity us all!!!
Well said Skidderman.
I have people hunting on my land every year, between family and friends it gets kind of crowded, but people with your attitude are always welcome.