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Old 03-28-2014, 08:51 AM
Sledhead71 Sledhead71 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Alberta
Posts: 3,650

Unfortunately I have been very aggressive on my stand regarding the fiasco of the CFB elk...

Here we have opened the door for PAID hunting as it is obvious our system is broken and the sustained proposed population was to be CONTROLLED.

It wasn't, isn't and the effects of this WILL bring our province the ultimate demise of our passion, pay to play.

If people could only see the damage a herd of THOUSANDS of elk can do here, you may have put opportunity aside and looked forward to where we are currently at.. This year, we can expect near 8 - 10,000 head, this is insane and I whole heartedly feel for any and all landowners surrounding this area.

I don't blame any land owner here for asking for control measures and compensation for the damages, period. If our powers to be would have kept their promises, well this would not be discussed.

Enjoy the future, and remember these elk are in the heart of where we slaughtered our Mule deer population and the first moose to have tested positive for CWD.

I'm baffled and personally feel there is more to this fiasco than anyone cares to admit.