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Old 03-28-2014, 09:29 AM
Donkey Oatey Donkey Oatey is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Originally Posted by expmler View Post
Like has been said before, would you tell a truck driver the same thing when diesel price go up.
Sorry but your arguement doesn't fly so much now that the Wheat Board monopoly is gone. You can sell for what the market will bear. The comodity price is just that. No more price fixing. Can market any way you want for your grains. Same with beef. The price is what the market will bear.

As to the situation at hand I see it from both sides. It is your land and I think it makes some sense that you should be able to charge people to use your land for what ever recreation. Problem being is that the public resource ie wildlife is not for sale (other than to outfitters but that is another thread)

I get the frustration but as a landowner you don't have to grant permission. There are programs in place for wildlife damage. There are programs in place to help with fencing bale yards. There is assistance when there are weather related occurances. Sorry if you don't think they compensate you enough. Those compensation programs are funded through the purchase of hunting licenses. So hunters are paying you for wildlife.
Originally Posted by huntinstuff View Post
Attention Anti Hunters
Sit back
Pour yourself a tea

Watch us "sportsmen" attack each other and destroy ourselves from within.

From road hunters vs "real hunters" to bowhunters vs rifle hunters, long bows and recurves vs compound user to bow vs crossbow to white hunters vs Native hunters etc etc etc

Enjoy the easy ride, anti hunters. Strange to me why we seem to be doing your job for you.

Excuse me while I go puke.