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Old 03-28-2014, 07:59 PM
bhguy bhguy is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 490

Originally Posted by Artist View Post
Curious as to what y'all think...

Not an Ellen fan.
Not against eating what one hunts.
Not against wearing what one hunts.
...however, given the fact (and only given the fact), that everyone knows that the world is watching and video-taping the seal hunt every time it happens, what would be so wrong with devising some sort of tool (a hand-gun type implement that shoots a retractable pin - similar to a nail gun) to harvest the seals?
Don't get me wrong, I personally don't have an issue with seeing blood, and with harvesting an animal with an arrow, (which can, in some cases, result in quite a bloody scene - especially in the snow), but, as a hunter, I take measures (as much as possible) to ensure that that scene does not play itself out in the open public eye.
When I watch the seal hunt, I have to admit, that for any non-hunter-type person watching that, it does look pretty brutal the way they pickaxe those seals - it can look somewhat barbaric. (Can you imagine killing a deer like that and posting it to you-tube?)
This brings me back to the question; given the fact that they basically walk up to the seals to harvest them, why not look at using a different "tool of harvesting" and take some of the steam out of the "anti-sealers" momentum?
Admittedly, I don't have all the facts on seal hunting methods - maybe there IS only one way to harvest them?
A lifetime ABA member? We as hunters need to stop the YouTube crap, it hasn't served us well at all!! We also need to not throw each other under the bus
No wonder some of the ABA crowd find it so hard to become proficient with a spear, they are throwing them backwards.

The lack of feathers must confuse some of them
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