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Old 03-28-2014, 09:23 PM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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Originally Posted by Icatchfish View Post
well, last year I had to drive up to WMU 522 from Calgary because it is the only place I had permission (my fault). would I pay for access close to Calgary? sure I would if its 50 or a 100 bucks.

but the truth is if people are allowed to pay for access then, the demand will just drive the prices up. and If a rancher has 6x6 running in his land and another smaller buck why would the rancher charge the same flat rate. lets face it, many people pay for bragging rights just look at our outfitting industry and how many people pay an outfitter to get a trophy animal on a 2 day hunt when normally it takes an average joe months or maybe years of scouting and research.

from this point a new industry will get created and ranchers will start feeding these animals in the winter to avoid winter kill and to keep them around so that when season comes, they can cash in on these animals.

if this goes down then the average joe will find it more financially feasible to buy meat from the store and forget about getting a trophy buck

Good idea.
I'm all for it.
The sooner the better...its just business after all and why should a man not earn what he can using his property as he sees fit?

Of course... being a business arrangement the gentlemens agreements we used to have will be gone gone gone.

Once money changes hands those contracts will be written and signed and bilaterally binding folks and breaches won't be as simple as simply telling a guy to get off your land.

That means that if I pay for conditional access... I better not see your cousin and every other bumpkin in the neighbourhood out there hunting for free and I will have have free range as outlined in the contrat and I do not care that your tractor broke so harvest is delayed. It also means that I will no longer restrain myself from shooting that buck you want for yourself or take the time out of my day to help fix a fence, curb a yote problem, kill grass rats or help you find strays.

It'll be all business and you can be darn sure that like you... I will be interested in nothing more than getting my moneys worth.

Or... we can just try to try to foster the friendly mutually beneficial friendship based arrangements that most reasonable people can find and enjoy now.

Its not my choice folks... but you should be mindful of what you wish for because once money is on the table we all know what will happen.
Just look at what money has already done to hunting here.