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Old 03-28-2014, 10:58 PM
expmler expmler is offline
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Lizard Lake, SK.
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Originally Posted by Big Daddy Badger View Post

Thats just plain silly.

First of all the only way to sustain that would be an arrangement akin to the wheatpool or NEP and forcing tax payers here to subsidize your products even more than they already do.....rather... than allowing us to shop on an open market.

Funny how everyone is so much against communism until they form their own union or association or whatever they wish to call it and want the government to make sure that their interests are taken care.

Yup...communism is bad bad bad until it becoimes your problem and not the other guys I guess.
Funny how you are all for private enterprise until you can't get free access to private land.

Yup...capitalism and the free market is good until access becomes your problem and not the other guys.