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Old 04-04-2014, 04:42 PM
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walking buffalo walking buffalo is offline
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Originally Posted by nekred View Post
Youa re quite unaware of the facts.... in fact the minutes of the AGMAG meeting were changed and there was information presented at ABA meeting again where wordplay ended up in resulting with a complete

maybe you need to get more up to date information...or read a post by Alberta Atlatl here in this thread that is clarifying what is happening on a go-forward basis where they can present their information at an upcoming AGMAG meeting...

Yes, I am aware of the facts. The ABA stated on Jan 14 2014 that the AGMAG minutes were misinterpreted. I guess that the ABA is suggesting that the title of their AGMAG Proposal ---- Make the use of spears and atlatls illegal for hunting big game in Alberta. , and their suggestion RECOMMENDED CHANGE - Make the use of spears and atlatls illegal for hunting big game in Alberta. was misinterpreted?

How stupid of people to misinterpret what they meant compared to what they wrote and verbally proposed.

I have spoken with Albertaatlatl and several others that were at the meeting. I suspect Albertaatlatl might respond to his earlier post. Until the ABA publically states their position regarding the use of spears and atlatls for hunting big game and confirms that the ABA proposal is dead, it must be assumed that there is no change. The only motion passed appears to be an agreement for the ABA to deliver an information package from Albertaatlatl to the AGMAG table.

Now if the ABA will publically give an update on their Spear Ban Proposal and position regarding the use of Spears and Atlatls within the F&W Legal Weapons discussion then possibly this particular debate can truly be over.
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