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Old 04-04-2014, 05:05 PM
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walking buffalo walking buffalo is offline
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Originally Posted by Tox View Post
Doesn't just one group make a first proposal? You claim the other groups do not support the proposal. The ABA claims there was no opposition to the proposal. Were you at the AGMAG meetings? Which was it? Do you have the minutes of the AGMAG meetings?
How many people actually know what other proposals are at the AGMAG meetings? How many people knew what AGMAG was before this issue was posted here?
If in fact there is no support for the proposal by all the other user groups at AGMAG, what happens to the proposal? I guess it dies. Maybe I'm wrong, judging by the circus here, the ABA runs the show at AGMAG. LOL
I am still collecting data so I can't really comment on all your claims.
-No opposition is not the same as support. As I mentioned before, the "no opposition" statement meant that no members opposed the ABA at this time. Since then, the AFGA and SCI have changed their position to oppose the ABA proposal, other groups have abstained from the discussion.
-Yes. Pm me your email and I'll send them to you.
In addition to just having the minutes, I have spoken extensively with other AGMAG reps who were at these meetings as this is the only way to get a true understanding of what happened.
-No idea.
-Sometimes they die. F&W has the authority to eventually do as it pleases with or without approval.
-No, the ABA certainly does not run AGMAG. In regards to this issue, it is their baby.
- As mentioned, I'm happy to pass on the documents that I have and will continue to answer questions as possible.
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