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Old 04-08-2014, 03:51 AM
jethunter jethunter is offline
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 303

Originally Posted by walking buffalo View Post
Five reasons to BAN Spears and Atlatls for hunting Big game

1. Few hunters use spears/atlatls.

2. They are truly "primitive" weapons.

3. There are Youtube videos using spears/atlatls that are not very flattering.

4. It is hard for hunting groups and governments to defend their use to non-hunters.

5. Spear/Atlatl use might bring unwanted attention to other weapons used for hunting big game.

Based on these Five Reasons, it is very clear that the Alberta government must Ban using spears and atlatls for hunting big game.

I'm not asking for any opinions on this matter, just telling you how it is and what will be.
What anti-hunting group do you belong to - PETA or Greenpeace? What a pile of garbage. Five completely meaningless reasons. Even PETA could do better than this for gawd sake. It has to be a joke, right?

That's easily the dumbest thing I've seen on AO yet, and that's saying something. That's not an opinion, that's just the way it is.
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