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Old 05-23-2014, 11:35 AM
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eltorro eltorro is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 241

I never bow-hunted in my life. It is cruel. I saw a deer with an arrow sticking out. I find it cruel. Ban bow hunting. NOW !!! Bows are silent and dangerous.

I hope we can all read on how this is, for all of us. Is there a reason why education is not better than imposing one's will over others' ?

How about freedom? Do you want to hunt with a bow? Fine with me. I don't have to like it, or embrace it. But I will certainly respect your choice. I will hope to even try it one day. If so many people find it addictive, there must be some truth in it, no? Same for spears and atlatl
I remember in Ontario it was legal to hunt big game with any centerfire cartridge. That included moose with 17Rem. Did any "take advantage" of this? Highly doubt it. So if an activity that pertains to common sense is allowed to self-regulate, why is everyone bent to ban-this, ban-that? All hunters know what is ok and what is not.
No amount of regulation can instill decency.

And if someone wants to hunt with a spear, let them do it. What is YOUR problem with it? Do you feel as a steward of wildlife? We all do, and should stick together. Do you think hunting a bear with a spear is unethical? Make you opinion known and then debate. Banning is never a solution, but for the narrow-minded.
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