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Old 01-19-2009, 04:06 PM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by happy perch fisher View Post
Sun i know where your coming from I do not think so based upon your commentsbut you ovoisly have'nt see hassie spring lake and a bunch of other lakes. I remeber spring lake and hassie lake before the horads got there both lakes had huge perch in good numbers therethe bigger perch were there because the initial illegal stocked fish had no competition from other perch so they could attain a nice size. As those fished spawned an exponential number of perch bred out of control. Once those fish were either killed or died of old age at around 5 years of age. There after...millions upon millions of new perch are being borne into the population. The lake can not feed them so they STUNT. You are so funny cause you clearly are not listening.. Both of them got trashed in a couple months they were not trashed but rather there were not as large a population as you thought and never sustainable at that size. Try this on a calulator. Assume someone put in 100 perch...50 are 3 years of age they are 7-8 inches...first spawn each 50 female perch lays 30,000 eggs. Assume a low 1% survival even without a predator (or 5% if you want to be realistic) for each female. In year 2, each female is now bigger and lays 100,000 eggs...assume same survival rate... In year 3 assume only 25 spawn but have 175,000 eggs...same survival rate...year 4...take year 1 (50 females X 30,000 X (.01 or .05) x 30,000 and so on... . Sure if the perch are left untouched for years they will eventually stunt themselves which is rarely the case in alberta considering that the perch will be overharvested till there nothing left except 4inchers 98percent of the time now assuming you are thinking...figure out how many fish...people in the absense of other predators need to harvest from the lake each year?. Perch are designed to mutliply like crazy. In the hopes that some of them will suvive duhhhh...when they have are so funny in your poor logic...even as a need way better material to be taken seriously dude.. Without any predators perch will overrun small lakes in about 12-15 years depending upon initial stocking size...try 5 years dude.... But what i am saying is perch will be overharvested down to 4inch levels if your logic was true the perch would disppear since you do not believe in STUNTING and a 4 inch perch would not be old enough or big enough to spawn. Sure they might stunt after but its hard to tell because ussually people will just keep taking all the perch over 5inches sadly you lack of knowledge again shows as this STUNTING issue has been studies in detail. Scientists know this because they deal in facts and the age data easily proves it. In your over fished lakes the 4 inch perch are probably 4 years old. The 5-6 in perch are 5 years old...then they die of old age right after. Sundance lake is a tottally different lake then most other lakes in alberta our lake is very similar to any pothole lake...closed system with no natural fish populations. It is close to are probably already starting to stuntit started stunting a long time ago. But the main reason that is happening is because theres no predators and the lake is private which has kept the hoards of fisherman off itpeoplel can not kill enough perch fast enough to make a difference. Pike and walleye eat a ton of small young of the year perch before they reach even 1 inch long. Sundance big perch takes years to die of old ageperch have the same length of age as most other populations...our lake would not be special. They grow alot slower once they get past 10 inchesthey grow slower due to competition and available food. Takes more food to grow a big fish eat more when you were 18 than when you were 2. With less food they grow even slower and if the population numbers are out of control...they use up all the food faster...hense STUNTING...natures way of allowing more individual perch to live in the same volume of water with the same resources available.. Theres been perch that get only a little amount of food that have been shown to be living for 20+years up northand some people live to 120...your chances of living that to zero realistically... Northern populations of some species can live longer...lake trout for instance...but your point while weird...means nothing to a lake in Alberta. So the big perch will not just all die over next year or so maybe just huge ones. I know for a fact that perch in long lake are basically the same perch from 5 years ago when the walleye ate everything under 8inches. Those perch are now in 13-14inch range there and they will still be there for next years to comefacts from you are not worth anything based upon your points to date. Sundance i know for a fact the couple lakes up north that have huge perch and no predators being as I studied many lakes like that as a fisheries PM them to me if you are too worried I will laugh on line...while some perch may be able to canabilize to achieve a larger length...they numbers will not be significant. Theres never been any winterkill so i would like you to explain how they never stuntedthe population as a whole and the majority are surely reasoned above, winterkill, summerkill, or potentially if the spawning habitat is so poor that survival is quite limited...that could also be a cause. I will give you the lake is very deep Main depth is 25+feetnot deep at all...fairly eutrophic most likely...I would have to see more data to say it is oligotrophic . Also the most of the lake is steep drop off so theres not much vegatation is is Narrow Lake?. There is one spot throw that is shallower 5-10feet but it is only for 50yards or less then 10percent of the lake. So please explain how its never stunted.tell me the lake...but chances are you are just ignoring the obvious... 5 -7 incher are also not a large perch in a stable population...there should be a wide range of size classes to age categories. Who knows...there may be pike in there and you just can't catch em

You supply a lot of bad information... As a past fisheries biologist I ran into this a lot where supposed fishermen thought they knew what they were talking about when it came to fisheries management.

Anecdotyl information can be a wealth of information...but misinformation amongst the fishing community puts us all at risk of doing stupid things such as putting perch in lakes where they do not belong. you condone the stocking of perch in stocked trout lakes?


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