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Old 07-23-2014, 09:57 AM
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Okotokian Okotokian is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post
No one and I mean no one can explain to me why forcing people to prioritize themselves is a bad thing. Come on. I'll bet that most if not everyone on this thread pays at least $700 a year for a cell phone that they sure don't need. What about cable TV? Alcohol? Oh right, now everyone is a non drinker. I can probably find three people I know tomorrow who will say they can't afford a $150 tag for a Mule Deer, but guaranteed they will spend that at the bar this weekend.

Excuse me. YOU YOURSELF said a $150 tag price would force you to start "staggering my draws to stay married and solvent". That's right from your very first post. You, and others, won' be able to hunt all the game you might be very willing, able, and committed to hunting and to which you have the legal right to hunt.

You still haven't answered my question about how getting my dog or aunt gertrude or uncle buck to get their hunters ed, buy a WIN and wildlife certificate, and apply for a draw helps me or gives me a leg up. So Auntie gets draw? I can't hunt on her license. Please explain.
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