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Old 07-24-2014, 09:47 AM
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Originally Posted by CaberTosser View Post
Its plenty legal on Canada's end, last time I checked you could bring in around 4000-5000 rounds of ammo, 8 lbs of powder and similar amount of primers as ammo, but as noted, there is the legality of exporting it from the USA as well as being in possession of it while there. One can possibly make legal arrangements with US Border Security first, such as possessing a hunting licence for one of the States you'll be in, and checking you have all other t's crossed and i's dotted, and getting things in writing before attempting your crossing. Most border services are happy to assist people who wish to stay within the law, its when you try to get sneaky they will make your day a really bad one. Usually a number of other bad days follow, and then you're not welcome to visit anymore either.

I studied the heck out of Canada's laws before a trip down there; I even printed them off to have with me. I did make some ammo & powder purchases while completely unaware of the US laws surrounding that. I got lucky, but absolutely won't repeat the mistake. I was all ready to declare at the Canadian border with a written post-it note on my steering wheel, but I was never asked the entire barrage of questions and was waved through.

Oddly enough while entering the US on that trip I recalled that I had two boxes of .30-30 Winchester ammo under my back seat (no firearm). Upon remembering this I turned more white than usual and I offered to surrender them to the US border guard, he smiled cheerfully and told me not to worry about it. I guess gangsters and terrorists don't use .30-30 Win, probably a Montana thing.....
Most local and state Police have better things to worry about than if a Canadian has a few rounds of ammo! Oh and the fact we don't enforce Federal Laws, we leave that to the Feds since CFR's are their Jurisdiction. Local guys only care about local and state laws, which don't say anything about non residents having ammo. I even remember being told by my LT not to get involved with a guy who was banned from being in possession of a firearm by the Feds. We had to find a Federal Officer to go talk to him and figure out what was up. Most guys on patrol aren't gunna hassle you unless they have suspicion something else is going on and THEN they may use it to get a foot in the door. Even then Chances are the County/City Attorney isn't going to do anything about it. Seems more like a DHS deal and they have to be at the right place at the right time to catch you. Having said all that, it is still technically breaking the law so I don't advise it, but the reality of it is chances of getting caught aren't very good.
I feel I was denied, critical, need to know Information!
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