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Old 07-29-2014, 12:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Narly View Post
I see a lot of posts on the internet on how hunters alway fire a "fouling" shot before hunting season to ensure their gun is "ready" and subsequent shots will be on target. Then they leave the gun fouled till after hunting season. I guess the thought is the first bullet out of a clean barrel will not group well with subsequent shots.
I am all for going to the range before a hunting trip and checking the sighting of my hunting rifle at the beginning of the season, but I never was happy with leaving a dirty gun sitting all season.
I found that running a dry patch through the bore several times before shooting, still gave me good groups with the first shot on.
Not sure if this "fouled bore" is unique from rifle to rifle, or if other hunters expect tighter groups than me, but I haven't had a problem with this.
I just shoot from a clean, dry bore for my first and subsequent shots. my "acceptable" groups are all at or under 2 inches for 5 shot groups. Most are at the 1 & 1/2 mark. This means I am ready to head out for a hunt when the oppertunity presents itself.
Works for me.
After you clean your barrel try putting "Lockeze" in it as the rust preventer during hunting season. Many people have tested this and find it causes the first shot from a clean cold bore to end up very close to the rest of the group. If you have a gun that shoots the first cold bore shot quite a ways off, this is worth a try. It works about 80% of the time.
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