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Old 08-21-2014, 07:10 AM
grinr grinr is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: SW Cowgree
Posts: 1,810

Not cameras so much,but more so social media is to blame for killing fish....there,I said it!!
This need to prove to the World Wide Web of by and large total strangers what an amazing and skilled angler you are.....THAT is what leads to poor choices,mishandled fish,over stressed fish,and dead fish.....all for the self gratifying grip and grin hero shot.
Several of the flyfishing web forums that I frequent have for years now promoted CnR and forbid the posting of dead fish,and/or obviously stressed,mishandled,posed on rocks,grass,sand,mud etc....
More recently,a certain steelhead angling forum that I visit forbids the posting of ANY fish...PERIOD!!Actually,I may be mistaken,it "might" allow pics of obviously dead fish that are legally harvested for the table where permitted,but grip n grins are definitely forbidden,deleted,and repeat offenders swiftly booted.

Now I'm not gonna go so far as to say that ALL "fish porn" should be forbidden,only that you think about the welfare of your catch,handle it properly in the water always,and a good rule of thumb might be "if you are fishing alone,ie;taking fish selfies,chances are you are likely putting that fish thru undue stress,and you probably shouldn't be taking pics at all?
Now I'm sure I'll get flamed for that comment,I really don't time you are fishing and taking that hero shot grip n grin selfie,ask yourself,"is this what's best for this fish?" and/or time yourself on how long it takes you to F around to get that pic.On the other hand,if you must insist on photographic evidence of your amazing angling skills,and have a partner on the bank at the ready with camera that can take a quick pic or two as you land,revive,and promptly release said fish.....I guess I don't see anything wrong with that?
Another good option for solo anglers is filming with a GoPro or similar device,then you can post videos for the world to enjoy,or simply edit at home and capture still shots from the raw footage,all without putting the fish thru undue stress or extended release times.

Last edited by grinr; 08-21-2014 at 07:19 AM.
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