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Old 10-29-2014, 08:20 AM
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coolpool coolpool is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Cold Lake
Posts: 451
Default I'm From Cold Lake

One side of the coin. I commend my fellow neighbours for trying to undo a senseless deed. Bravo! In fact, one of the members of that mosque offered to come to our house two years ago to give my seriously injured son a haircut because he was bedridden for two months. I didn't ask him, he offered it! He's a friend and neighbour, period!
The other side. I heard an interview from the Iman (sp) of the mosque in Vancouver on CBC that they asked the shooter to leave their mosque due to his radical beliefs. If that's true, did they inform the RC that a potential threat was unfolding? I think not. All I would ask from this point forward is that if any person of any religion recognizes the seeds of hate being spread that they stand up and let it be known.
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