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Old 11-22-2014, 08:37 AM
nube nube is offline
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Originally Posted by Gabby61 View Post
Nice pictures and great catch !!
I like your tapered boxes.
Do you like to pans better than the triggers ?

I love the pans guys. I tried vertical boxes as well as the horizontal ons. The vertical ones had a poor strike and one that I will not discuss on here that I was really not impressed with. From now on in the future all my traps will be pans on leaning trees. It does not take much time to find a leaning tree to put it on. A big thanks to a bunch of you guys on here and on Trapperman forum for helping me out with the pan thing. They are so simple to put on the traps and really ar the way to go.
I will be spending the summer making a pile of new boxes.

The one big thing I learned this time out is how much time it takes to put them up. I basically put them 500 yards apart as I got down the cutlines and it takes a long time just to get 30 of them out.

I also will mention that I used muskrat for bait. I had a bucket with some choped up beaver that I had thawed out and I marinated the muskrats in the beaver juice. At the site I woud cut the rat in half and smear the guts on the leaning poles up to the trap. Not sure if that helps but it gets the smell in the air real good.
Half the traps I used a homemade skunk lure and got 3 marten on it and the other 4 marten came from Hawbakers lure. I don't think either is better than the other. 3 of my Marten were caught within600 yards of eachother so the one spot may just be a hotspot. It will be iteresting to see what is going on when I get back to check.
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