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Old 12-07-2014, 05:57 PM
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ksteed17 ksteed17 is offline
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Originally Posted by MountainTi View Post
You need to knock a few off your number of 12000. Might be a tad high.
Who the hecks gonna be left to apply for cadomin and the bow zones?
Maybe with nobody left to apply for 438 late season, I too may get drawn 3 times, maybe even in a row breaking a new record
Ok we agree on what the major issue is but not on the draw. I'll never accept that as a possible solution. WSFAB has money set aside every year to do burns we need to find out why those aren't happening. They also have money set aside to kill cats in sheep country maybe we should increase that and make access easier. These are things that need to be looked at first in my opinion.
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