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Old 12-13-2014, 12:27 PM
Leafy Leafy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 370

Originally Posted by bigredviking View Post
I defer to those seem to know different on the CWD head submission. Is it part of the WMU732 package?

I am firmly aware of the oil and gas at Suffield - I have worked there myself. There are lease fees paid to offset these costs and the communication in this case is a dialogue. Hunters, especially at $9.00 for a pair of tags, can only be contributing through their taxes and their wildlife certificate. A different kind of public.

I don't disagree there is an issue with the elk population and it needs resolution. This is not unique, as our good intentions often over achieve. A similar elk issue is likely to loom in 102/104 in the next 10 years.
Bingo ! Millions of surface lease monies exchange hands for the oil and gas activity at CFB... Our group at 9 buck, or even the 33 won't pay to turn the lights on for the morning briefings

Enjoy your day all, headed out to check a few miles of fence and mend accordingly...
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