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Old 12-22-2014, 09:53 PM
edmhunter edmhunter is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
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Originally Posted by Bergerboy View Post
If you look at my previous posts edmhunter I said that I will bring a glass of milk for you to the DV rifle rodeo. That was in case LC knocked your teeth out we would have a place to put them while you were driven to the hospital. With such as callous post made above you get no glass of milk and I'm sure a line is forming to lay out your chicklets. I am in that line, I am completely disgusted with that remark to a person who lost a parent.
By the way Bergerboy, I am not sure if you ever met L-C, I know for a fact that you have never met me. L-C punching my teeth out is as likely as humans building a colony on the sun tomorrow.

L-C, I meant what I said about your mother I really liked her. I lost mine last year of cancer too and I meant no disrespect to you by giving you my condolences, I was being sincere.

Anyways enough of this BS.