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Old 12-24-2014, 12:00 PM
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marxman marxman is offline
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Originally Posted by nekred View Post
Ok pages later I will answer a question....

Gravity is not a constant even though it is referred to as such....

from wikipediea... "It is relevant to note that Earth's gravity doesn't have the exact same value in all regions. There are slight variations in different parts of the globe. The cause of that is still not well understood by scientists"

It changes proportional to mass of object and distance from object.... the less mass and more distance gravity decreases.....

On earth g is used as a constant as 9.8 meters per second per second.

as you move away from earth there is a point where the influence of gravity becomes negligible.... thus the force of gravity changes with altitude.....

however the small insignificant changes in gravity due of altitude we can experience from sea level to 10,000 feet where the majority of shooting takes place the effect is negligible.

Thus why for every constant parameters are defined for where it is valid!...

There are many factors that affect shooting that are normally negligible until one is shooting extreme distance such as bullet nutation, coriolis force, air density affected by altitude, humidity, and temperature etc.

Looking for a rifle that has a MPBR is something that will be debated for as long as firearms exist....
glad you clarified. to avoid confusion in the future please specify where in the universe you will be shooting