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Old 12-28-2014, 05:14 PM
Battle Rat Battle Rat is offline
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Originally Posted by Immigrant View Post
I believe i have the "right" to sleep at night without the fear of having a pistol stuck in my mouth
I have the "right" to draw money at the ATM without worrying if the guy behind me is going to shoot me in the guts
I have the "right" to go to a hockey game with my son and. Ot worry if the drunk guy in the seat behind me is going to make good on his threats to "f@&$ up" the guy next to me because he said something bad about his favourite player

I have the "right" not to worry if the guy pretending to ask for a loonie is going to stick a gun in my face and jack my car
I have the "right" to live in a peaceful society
And how does the law that prevents you from arming yourself uphold your rights?