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Old 12-29-2014, 03:24 PM
obsessed1 obsessed1 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
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edmhunter the math I brought out is REAL and can be validated by any competant shooter here. Saying my husky handles it well is not an answer. Do you even comprehend what I'm talking about?
Your claim is that under any condition at any time you can just dial up to 500 and hit a paper plate, while the MATH says that you already have a 7" 3 shot group not accounting for wind and shooter error. My question for you was how does your scope handle all these issues. As stated shooting REAL data and using moa turrets and range cards allows me to adjust to any weather condition at any time and can minimize these variables. how does your scope make these adjustments..
by the way at 1000 yds its a 14" group built right into your shooting platform and thats with a SD of ten its not unheard of to see SDs run into the high teens low twentys.
Seems to me you have no real idea of ballistics and are well suited to a "simple idiot proof" scope and as for 500 yd off hand 10" groups well....I think when you miss it will have everything to do with everything else other than a faulted shooting system and lack of skill.
your scope will work 100% of the time if conditions are exactly as its turrets are built for with only the single group of three or five rounds it was modeled after. outside of those parameters its not fool proof, and I seriously doubt the fool behind the trigger is smart enough to know how to make the changes needed to make one shot hits at long ranges. Seems to me like you are an armchair shooter who has got himself way in above his head. my advice would be to shut up and LEARN from some of these guys.
Many of which are better marksman then you and are certainly better students of the gun than you. Your general lack of knowledge shows any gunman your true colours
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