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Old 01-01-2015, 07:47 PM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Camrose
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my father taught me that recreational shooting is wasteful. if your gun fires true, then it's good until the next time you want it to put dinner in front of you. that logic works for me. I hadn't fired a gun in over a decade, but still dropped my first whitetail with 1 round.
I am glad that he is your father, and not mine, I would hate to grow up in a family whose children are taught such nonsense. Recreational shooting is a healthy form of entertainment, and it helps to maintain a persons shooting skills. My father taught me to respect the game that I hunt, and a large part of that is making sure that my shooting skills are maintained, and that I verify my equipment before hunting, to make sure that I can make a quick clean kill when required. I would hate to wound an animal because a fault in my equipment went undetected, because I was not responsible enough to verify my equipment before going hunting. Your post also helps me to understand your backward views towards the ownership and use of firearms by citizens.
Only accurate guns are interesting.