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Old 02-18-2009, 10:17 AM
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catnthehat catnthehat is offline
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Originally Posted by Cal View Post
Just a question but why would you have to shoot a moose at 1000 yards? Sneaking up to within 200 yards of a moose is no great feat, getting much closer than that is usualy possible. In much of the province the habitat that they ocupy makes shots of much over 100 yards impossible. I think almost every moose I've ever killed I could have done it with a 30-30. I just dont understand carrying around a heavy rifle and putting up with that much recoil for a shot that may never come. Had a friend that had been lugging around a heavy 300wm for 9 years when I hunted with him, when asked if he had ever had to make a shot that required such a gun all he could come up with was that he had once shot a black bear that was a long ways away. I quit hunting with him cause he understandably did most of his hunting from his truck cab.
Where some of us hunt, getting to a moose that you want can be a litle difficult ( around swamps, etc)
Once he is down, you can go get him.
Many times they are so far away that by the time you get to where they were, they are just that - GONE!
Thse same people shoot moose at 50 yards as well, not just long range....
Anytime I figure I've got this long range thing figured out, I just strap into the sling and irons and remind myself that I don't!
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