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Old 01-05-2015, 01:10 PM
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antler1 antler1 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: East of the Rockies
Posts: 176
Default Option for Mojo's "Robo Duck" as I call him

I have had a full size Mojo decoy for a few years and always take it along on duck hunts with good results.
It comes with a two piece stake that allows you to put it out in your decoy spread in an elevated position.
I also have a waterhole that I like to hunt and wanted to use the same robo duck out in the water. I came up with a way to use it in water/soft mud that comes up midway on my chest waders. I cut a 2x4 about 5 feet long and sharpened one end so that I could pound it down into the bottom of the pond.
I had drilled some holes through the side of the upper portion of the 2x4 and fed some wire through the holes to make 2 loops on one side. This allowed me to insert the stake that the decoy rests on. The decoy is then suspended above the water and can work its magic. I left the 2x4 in place for next season and plan on placing several more around the pond so I can take advantage of different wind conditions. Sorry no pictures but I hope I have explained it well enough. Good luck!
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