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Old 02-18-2009, 11:58 PM
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Selkirk Selkirk is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: In the shadow of the Valhalla Mountains, BC .
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Thumbs up Thanks Matt!

Originally Posted by Matt L. View Post

" . . . Wherabouts do you live TriggerFinger? I know a guy who custom builds computers and does a very good job of it."
My 'Location' reads: "North of the Highwood, South of the Red Deer, East of the Kananaskis, West of the Bow". That would be the Calgary area.

Davis made that same suggestion (re custom built). I'll be checking out a few local custom builders in the next few days. Thanks for the suggestion!

Originally Posted by pdfish View Post

"well, yes and no. While a MAC is inherently more secure against viruses, they can get them . . . if you were someone who wrote malicious programming, would you target PC's that make up over 95% of the computers around the world, or Mac's? . . . "
Tis true ... Macs aren't targeted anywhere near as much for viruses as PC's are, but as Macs become more popular, that will change. I understand it's already starting to happen. I've read recently that there are over twice as many Mac viruses out there, as there were only just a 6 months ago.

I may be a PC'er at heart, but I don't really hate Macs. It would be a real shame if those *&^%$#@! virus jerks made it as bad for Macs as they have made it for PC's.

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