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Old 02-19-2009, 06:12 PM
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jaylow? jaylow? is offline
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Originally Posted by Rackmastr View Post
I hate it when I see permanent stands on public land. Grinds my gears really bad cause I find it really disrespectful and plain old ugly.....let alone illegal.

Either way.....I dont use someone else's stand and I dont use someone else's property when I find it in the bush. It aint mine.....

this is ridiculous. who cares if you find it disrespectful.its called public land not rackmastr land. no harms done , anyone can use them. and id be surprised if you could even see them till your pretty well under them. for the most part any stand ive ever made is just a base between three trees. usually about 10' of the ground. whats with this alarmist crap? do you go out in the bush and report to the cops on kids tree forts and hunters stands? im sure they enjoy your important phone calls on riveting issues.

as for leaving your expensive self climbers and what not in the bush, its a risk your taking and you know it. plain and simple. when you leave it there you know your worried about someone taking it. so why leave it.? i know you should be able to leave things like that and not have them stolen. but thats not how it works and it sucks.
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