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Old 01-14-2015, 10:37 AM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Originally Posted by lmtada View Post
This is part of the problem. To many managers, not enough workers. Every one wants to be the boss. For example. Department of environment, small group maybe 30 members. There are 12 managers, directors. For a total of 30 people. Plus all managers get a parking spot downtown Edmonton @ 600.00 month,paid by you (taxpayer).
In private industry you might have 1, 2 managers for 30 people. There are some provincial public servants ( they are servants to you and me, make sure they know!) that are managers with nobody underneath them?
Every manager wants the biggest budget, they have to spend all that $$. There is no incentive to save $$. They are empire building. Wrong incentives for government. There is no incentive for speed, efficiency or innovation ( which is what industry is about).
I do not favor PST. The market can keep public expenditure a little honest. once a PST is ingrained in the province. We will never loose it.
So many excellent points made in this post.

The gov bureaucracy is an animal that gets rewarded for growing. It exists to milk the taxpayers.

TBD made an excellent reference to the feudal system...exactly what we are...serf's to the crown.
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