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Old 01-14-2015, 03:16 PM
midgetwaiter midgetwaiter is offline
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Originally Posted by rugatika View Post
Yup, we're just gonna charge you a little more for working those extra hours than the guy that went home. To quote a famous liberal..."IT'S NOT FAIR!!!"
We were talking about how much it really meant to an individual. In the example I illustrated above it was $500 or .0045% of the new income.

Now is that a good idea? I'm not convinced either way but the idea that I can pay that $500 now when it's not really going to make a huge difference rather than when I'm retired and trying to make sure my investment income will last is compelling. I have to think about it some more.

I made the post to make sure that everyone understood the hypothetical progressive increase that has you screaming "It's not FAIR" while stomping around with your drawers all twisted up would be something like .0045% of your income.
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