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Old 01-19-2015, 12:06 AM
Smokinyotes Smokinyotes is online now
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: onoway, Ab
Posts: 7,031

I'm born and bred Canadian. My grandmother was born in 1906 in Ontario, my grandfather in 1886. I just don't understand how in this day and age that some people are more Canadian than myself. So why am I a second class citizen when it comes to hunting rights?

Yes I know treaties were signed but they are outdated and need to be changed. I believe there should be one set of rules, one set of hunting regulations and every Albertan treated equal with the same benefits.

I know it's the natives right to hunt and it's part of their heritage. I have no problem with them following their traditional ways of life but you no what, in my 35 years of hunting I have never saw a Native hunting with a home made bow riding a paint Horse.