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Old 01-19-2015, 12:54 AM
Squeaker Squeaker is offline
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Posts: 67

Originally Posted by SmokinJoe View Post
That's awesome, I personally can't tell you how long my forefathers have been here, not suggesting I'm more canadian than you, just stating that my ancestry goes back further than this great nation we are all proud to call home. I have had numerous relatives that loved our country and proved it by going to war, in all generations of my family since the beginning of Canada, my forefathers foreseen allot of people coming over in boats and agreed to share this land with some terms and conditions, expiring never so long as the grass grows, sun shines and rivers flow. This is what we're talking about correct? Treaties?
No we arnt talking about treaties..we are talking about fairness. what makes it so fair for you to go and hunt as you please shooting what ever and when ever you please over me ..?