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Old 01-19-2015, 12:03 PM
Mb-MBR Mb-MBR is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
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Originally Posted by Winch101 View Post
Those treaties could be challenged and rescinded in a heart beat .
The first signer on the Canadian side is usually British Royalty
Followed by a Church member . The church one the biggest
abusers of natives in history ..ludicrous .
The biggest problem is we elect and trust govt to do the right
Thing and they don't . So apathetically we elect again and once
more over the barrel . I wish Quebec would separate ,would open
The door for the rest of us . Soon less than 50% of our people
Will be older than 2 nd generation Canadians .
For a hell of a lot more reasons than diseased animals
these treaties have to go . Be Canadian or go back where
You came from is a current popular agenda . Shouldn't just
Apply to middle eastern ,European , Asian immigrants .

Are those Elk being tested for CWD .If not ,why not .
The Treaties have been challenged..............there's over 200 Supreme Court of Canada Decisions regarding their interpretation.