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Old 01-19-2015, 12:08 PM
chugg chugg is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 45

Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
What's with the superiority complex? Why is it you have to stress "me with the rights" and "you with the privilege"?

We are Canadians, it's only because of your last names the you get to consider yourself as having rights and elkhunter only gets priveledges, it's got nothing to do with personal accomplishments or contributions, don't lose sight of that.

He is not telling anyone what they can or can't do, he is expressing his view. Why do you consider the wildlife on earth to be yours only? That wildlife was here long before any tribe was laying claim to the land.

I agree 100% with talking moose, a Canadian family in need should have every right to harvest animals from the land, that was Gods intention when he created them , I'm sure it wasn't his intention for the earths animals to be free game for status people only.

Also, did non native hunters really kill 1000 elk last week?
its not a complex thats the facts stated from the federal gov .
natives have hunting rights .fact none natives have a hunting privilege