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Old 01-21-2015, 01:50 PM
dshaw dshaw is offline
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
I realize it will fall upon FN to decide that there is a need for regulation to sustain Canada's fish and wildlife, and don't worry, I have no grand illusions. Writing it down for all to see feels therapeutic in a way though.

One positive note that has come from this thread so far is that I believe there are a couple with treaty rights who know the system is broken, and I'd be willing to bet that in the name of conservation they would be willing to change. Others would rather see all the wildlife decimated before ever letting a non treaty have equal harvest rights, or agree to a limited harvest.

I truly believe that in time, and through education a change will come.
Agreed, but how much "time" will be needed? thats the question. 50 years? 100 years? if so who knows what wildlife populations will be then. I'm afraid at the rate we are growing as a province "time" is not on our side for the wildlife and conservation.