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Old 01-30-2015, 08:31 AM
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arrow_baron arrow_baron is offline
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Beaumont
Posts: 241

I am not a land owner but have only been told no once in my life. Even places where my cousins and brothers have asked and heard no. I've gotten the thumbs up. When I ask for permission I usually do it well before the season. I make sure I am not to be in full camo when I go. This gives me the opportunity to scout land but I also ask the farmers if they need a hand with anything around the farm just to show my appreciation. I usually check in with the farmer in daylight hours if there home and just see how things are throughout the year. Getting permission isn't about just getting to hunt the land that one year. It's about building a relationship with the farmer or landowner, so that he can trust you to be respectful of his land year in, year out.. When I go to ask for permission now its usually involves me having a beer or coffee with the landowner bull****ting about life. Then he tells me happy hunting. I hope this was some help
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